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The Cotswolds Rivers Trust is a team of passionate and enthusiastic river champions dedicated to reversing the decline of our rivers.


Our motto: ‘we get our feet wet’, reflects our hands-on approach to conservation since our incorporation in 2011. We don't just talk about making a difference; we actively engage in on-the-ground projects that bring tangible improvements to our rivers. We make things happen and constantly strive to make a real and positive difference for the river, the surrounding landscape and its communities.


The Cotswolds Rivers Trust covers those rivers that rise in the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and flow into the River Thames. 

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Our vision:"vibrant and healthywaterways for everyone"


(1) To conserve, protect, rehabilitate and improve the rivers, streams, watercourses and water impoundments of the catchments comprising the Thames tributaries located within the Cotswolds National Landscape,  for the advancement of environmental protection or improvement for the benefit of the public.

(2) To advance the education of the public, or any association, institution, voluntary organisation, company, local authority, administrative or governmental agency or public body in:-

  • The understanding of rivers, river corridors and river catchments, including their fauna, flora, biodiversity, economic or social activity and river catchment management.

  • The need for, and benefits of, conservation, protection, rehabilitation and improvement of aquatic environments



The Cotswolds Rivers Trust is fighting for a future where our children and grand children can enjoy healthy, vibrant rivers teeming with aquatic life, including wild brown trout, water voles, grayling and the European eels. We aim to preserve these special places for everyone to enjoy. 


What we do

Our strategy contains four key priorities, water quality, habitat restoration, climate resilience and people. Our work is prioritised into projects that will have the largest impact against cost. Projects include:


  • Removing artificial obstacles and barriers or installing new fish passes so fish can move freely up or down the river

  • Naturalising river channels that have been straightened and modified so that they provide better wildlife habitats and reduce flooding risk

  • Surveys and monitoring to understand more about the health of the river, freshwater species and how they are impacted by human activities

  • Inspiring children by running trips and activities for schools with curriculum areas such as art, science, technology, and engineering

  • Varied volunteering opportunities including river clean-ups, tree planting and helping us behind the scenes

  • Citizen Science programmes where people can gain skills to help collect data and contribute to important scientific monitoring



Can you help? We need volunteers, donors and partners to support our mission and make a difference. By working together, we can make a lasting difference and create a future where our rivers are healthy, vibrant and full of life. Join us in getting your feet wet, figuratively or literally, and make a positive impact today. 








We are an independent charity dedicated to overturning the decline in our river networks across the Cotswolds.


Registered Charity Number: 1150357

Registered Office:

Bronsen’s Witney office: Eden House, Station Lane, Witney, OX28 4BL

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© 2024 by the Cotswolds Rivers Trust

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